Here is my illustration for IF's theme this week 'Idle'. This is the first picture that came to my head and after thinking of a lot of other stuff it's this I came back to. When I first heard the theme I thought 'Idol' and got quite excited, having visions of big gold statues and when I saw it was the other spelling the thought of pleading ignorance crossed my mind but then I realised that's not the spirit and I shouldn't shy away from the set theme!
This has taken the longest of any of the illustrations on my blog, if you liked this don't forget to check out the rest ;) And I have aTwitter where I will posting links to new stuff first!
One last thing, I finally have some free time for freelance and private commisions so drop me an email if you or anyone you know is interested! Lozzie'at'gmail.com :)
And now the curiosity begins about next weeks theme!