Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Illustration Friday - 'Shaky'

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Here's my first go at IF's theme. A tough one this week.

The brief story behind it is a clown gets promoted to the tightrope but is finding keeping his balance harder than he first thought. This is intended to be a snap shot of him practising (this is way he's outside) and trying not to be so shaky when it comes to heights.

Total time approx: 4 hours, from scratch in photoshop.


  1. Great expression! Fabulous colors!

  2. This looks wonderful! Welcome to IF...this week's theme was hard, but this turned out great :)

  3. I like this clowns pose, especially his arms, very interesting!

  4. Welcome to IF! It looks like you have a great start! Beautiful illustration!

  5. This is a brilliant image I really like his facial expressions and the colour scheme! good luck on the degree looks like you have a bright future ahead of you!

  6. Wow, this is a wonderful piece. You've captured this theme very, very well!

  7. I don't think I've seen a clown face so terrified. Nice expression!

  8. welcome to IF.... shaky, shaky!
